Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Slovakia Today is an English language current affairs magazine bringing you the best from Slovakia. Our daily broadcast covers the latest from politics, society, arts and culture, business, science, healthcare and sports. Coming to you from Bratislava, from the studios of Radio Slovakia International – the foreign language channel of the public broadcaster STVR. Making Slovakia heard to the world!
Popis epizódy
Milan Rastislav Štefánik, the famous Slovak astronomer, politician and French army general was born exactly 140 years ago. In the show we visit his birth house in Košariská, where a museum dedicated to his life is located today. Flowers are the most popular pattern found embroidered on the traditional Slovak folk costumes. Why? We look for the answer in the Central Slovak museum in Banská Bystrica. What to do in Slovakia these days will be listed in the latest summer news.
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  • Streda 4.09. 11:00
  • Streda 4.09. 14:00
  • Streda 4.09. 16:00
  • Streda 4.09. 18:30
  • Streda 4.09. 20:30
  • Štvrtok 5.09. 02:00
  • Štvrtok 5.09. 05:00