Slovakia Today, English Language Current Affairs Programme from Slovak Radio

Slovakia Today is an English language current affairs magazine bringing you the best from Slovakia. Our daily broadcast covers the latest from politics, society, arts and culture, business, science, healthcare and sports. Coming to you from Bratislava, from the studios of Radio Slovakia International – the foreign language channel of the public broadcaster STVR. Making Slovakia heard to the world!
Popis epizódy
Christmas Day special: First we are going to discover the Advent ECO Calendar inspired by the second encyclical of the Pope Francis known as Laudato Si.Then we are going to visit Bratislava’s animal shelter and discuss how Christmas is celebrated there and finally, we are going to present you with some traditional Slovak Christmas dishes.
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Archív - zvoľte dátum

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  • Štvrtok 5.09. 08:00
  • Štvrtok 5.09. 11:00
  • Štvrtok 5.09. 14:00
  • Štvrtok 5.09. 16:00
  • Štvrtok 5.09. 18:30
  • Štvrtok 5.09. 20:30
  • Piatok 6.09. 02:00