Popis epizódy
Slovakia Int. | Streda 24.08.2022, Publicistika
Why are scientists so interested in the recent discovery of a very well-preserved lizard from the age of the dinosaurs? Jonathan speaks with Andrej Černanský from Comenius University’s Laboratory of evolutionary biology, who was directly involved in the discovery and is the lead author of a recently published article about it in a top scientific journal. – Repeat: The introduction of any new technology, it seems, has its risks as well as its benefits, and Artificial Intelligence technologies are no exception. Jonathan asks Juraj Podroužek, of the Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies in Bratislava, about the difficult question faced by many governments today of whether or not to allow the installation of biometrics facial recognition cameras in public spaces, and about the dilemma this question poses for policy makers.