Popis epizódy
Slovakia Int. | Streda 11.07.2018, Publicistika
Stepping aboard a luxurious and historic train which marks the centenary of Czechoslovakia's founding 100 years ago, speaking to Ernest Huska from Bratislava’s Múzeum dopravy and Michal Novotný from the National Technical Museum in Prague, Czech Republic.
Now you can use your mobile phone to clean up your city, with a Slovak-made mobile application, speaking to Lucia Kellnerová from Trashout.
When you think of green activism, you might think of Greenpeace. But there are other organisations working on ecological issues in Slovakia without often-dramatic protests. Živica is just one such organisation; a non-profit which is quietly partnering with schools and city councils to implement ecological programmes as Ivana Poláčková explains.